When looking for herbal support to ease the mind, we want to work with a group of herbs called nervines.
Nervines are herbs that will influence the nervous system in some way. However, if you were to grab an herb book and look at all the herbs listed under nervines, you would have many different herbs. Coffee is considered a nervine, except instead of a calming effect on the nervous system, it has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. There are generally four categories of nervines- tonics, relaxants, hypnotics, and stimulants. There can be some overlap regarding what category an herb belongs in, but for the most part, we will look at nervine relaxants to ease the mind after an exhausting day or before a big event. Let's dive into five nervine relaxants that all have a slightly different action.
1. Passionflower, Passiflora incarnate
Passionflower is a cooling nervine with a neutral taste that shines as a nervine for people with mental chatter and frazzled nerves. It calms the noise in our heads so we can listen to our hearts and get more aligned with the direction of our passions. This herb is great when there is a lot of fear and worry that comes from being unable to stop your mind from coming up with worst-case scenarios and negative self-talk. Have more compassion for yourself! Passionflower is also a great antispasmodic. It can be utilized when there is spasmodic pain in things like menstrual cramps or when there are any nervous tics like twitching of the eyes or restlessness that makes it hard to calm down.
2. Linden, Tilia spp.
Linden is a sweet and pleasant-tasting nervine that is an excellent addition to any cup of tea. Linden shines as a very specific nervous when stress and anxiety are affecting the heart. One example of this would be stress-induced heart palpitations. I love using linden with motherwort for heart palpations, another cardiac nervine. When we become stressed, our blood pressure can rise, making linden great in hypertension that can be due to stress. For hypertension, I'd use linden in combination with other herbs like hawthorn. Linden supports any tension that may appear in the body, such as tension headaches.
3. Rose, Rosa spp.
Perhaps not considered a true nervine, but Rose is extremely complimentary in any blend with nervines. Rose is a cooling and floral-tasting herb. I reach for a rose whenever I feel unworthiness, grief, disconnection from self, and heartache. I once heard someone say that rose helps bring softness to any trauma we may be working through, and I have seen this repeatedly. Rose can support the emotional heart in whatever way it is needed. Whether opening it up again to love life, self, and others or strengthening it after heartache, no blend is complete for easing the mind without a rose and its uplifting actions.
4. Lavender, Lavandula spp.
Lavender's Latin name Lavandula means “to wash,” and medicinally, I see it having this washing or cleansing effect when it comes to the mind in things like brain fog to bring clarity. A little goes a long way in a blend,d as it is super aromatic and fragrant. Lavender is an excellent nervine for any stagnancy and sluggishness one might feel that could be due to anxiety and potentially lead to depression. We even see this cleansing effect extend to lavender use as an antibacterial and antiviral. For clarity of mind, consider calling on lavender.
5. Chamomile, Matricaria chamomila
Chamomile is a slightly bitter and sweet herb. This bitterness tells us that it will affect the digestive system. I love Chamomile for its nervous stomach or the “butterflies in the stomach” feeling. It's one of my favorite nervines for children who are restless, especially before bed, and need ease of mind. It can also be used in teething and colic babies; look to the homeopathic chamomile specifically for that. A person who could use chamomile is often complaining and irritable, and overall, it seems like they could use a big hug; well, chamomile is that hug!
To get all of these herbs in one beautiful blend, check out our Peace & Calm Tea.
Rituals To Ease The Mind
Here are a few simple but convenient things you can do to support your nervous system and ease your mind.
Restorative exercise: Yoga, walks outside, playing with your dog, and swimming are all examples of restorative exercises that can take your mind away from the chaos and bring you back to a calm place.
Self-massage with herbal oils/oils: Give yourself some loving care by tending to yourself through massage. Adding herbal or coconut oils nourishes the nervous system because the skin is loaded with nerve endings.
Making tea: This is a simple way to slow down, connect with your feelings, and enjoy each step of the process. Plus, in the end, you can sip on a warm, cozy, and healing beverage!
Yoga Nidra: Yoga Nidra is a type of yoga almost anyone can do; the biggest challenge is not falling asleep! They say 40 minutes of yoga nidra equals 3 hours of deep sleep! You can find lots of great yoga Nidra-guided practices on YouTube.
Sit & Observe: Something we don't allow ourselves to do enough is doing nothing at all. Going outside, having a comfortable seat, and observing what is around you without judgment or agenda can be one of the best self-reflective and calming rituals.
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